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Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019

My Favorite Piece of Technology

One of the best inventions that may have created is the Ipad. The iPad is a portable touch device with which you can read your mail, download your favorite books, listen to music, download games, take photos among many other things The ipad makes my life easier. I usually use it to study, read books,  and to listen to music. One of the best things about IPad is portability, its size and weight make it possible to take it every day to any place. In the IPad I can download different applications such as Power point, U courses, Excel Online, and others that help me in my studies  and also others with which I have fun such as "Subway Surf", "Candy Crush", "Piano Tiles" and netflix.  The only bad thing about this device is that it is very delicate,it is very easy to break the screen and that is scratched that's why I don't lend it and I take care of it a lot.

Fulfilling one of my dreams

When I was a little girl I dreamed of studying medicine, working in the circus, being an actress, engineer and many things. However, I had never thought about studying dentistry. The time passed very quickly, and I was sure I wanted to study something related to health until finally I decided on dentistry. At the time of deciding, I was very clear about what I wanted to study, so I applied for the same degree in different universities. I wanted to enter the University of Chile and it looked very difficult, so I was getting the idea of doing a year of pre-university. However things went in my favor and I managed to enter the university. Until today it has not been easy. I had to change city, separate from my family and one of the things that has cost me the most is to form the study habit. In spite of everything, I really like the idea of becoming a dentist, being able to help people, and one of my dreams is to specialize in children and have my own dental clinic.